Scientific Healing Articles
Discover the lessons I learned from healing my dad of his stroke twice, a major event at age 83 and ...
When you are criticized without the balance of compliments in your early life, it has profound effec...
Arguments, verbal abuse, undue criticism, and unrealistic expectations are things you may have exper...
After a relationship energy healing, you are always in danger of being reinfected with the same low ...
2/3 of Americans are suffering from adrenal insufficie...
In this broadcast, I explain the difference between being centered and being grounded, not the same ...
See if you recognize someone you know in the following story: a lot of very intelligent, thoughtful ...
Simple and inexpensive solutions to helping your immune system function better.Â
So far, you’ve hea...
How to release your “negative” emotions to empower you and your immune system.  Get your guided heal...
Emotional and physical care of your skin is important protection to you and your longevity. https:/...
One of the most important factors in how quickly your body responds to physical trauma, such as a si...
Boost your immune system: improving function and health of your liver. Help from lifestyle, diet and...