Stimulate Your Immune System 12: Keep Yourself Centered and Grounded with Energy Healing
Jan 25, 2021In this broadcast, I explain the difference between being centered and being grounded, not the same things.The following healing audio does both for you quickly: https://scientifichealer.com/emotional See timeline below.
In todays current climate, I hear of people giving up hope. Even in newspapers, they are saying it’s too late, illness has overtaken us. We hear of new tragedies every day. The news is putting it in our faces all the time, That our country is being overrun by the corona virus. It has changed complexion now, it is hitting hard in the whole Southeast of the country. The midwest and west are doing better. Taking precautions is the best we can all do right now and basically stop the anger and fighting. This is really what today’s broadcast is about.
From today forward, boosting your immune system is moving into the energetic realm. Energy is really everything, even all those previous eleven steps I mentioned. Every step you take towards keeping you healthy is telling all your cells that’s what you want. It really changes your prospects of getting healthier. Giving up hope is the first step to having problems.
The two things I’m focusing on today is being centered and being grounded. These are two different things, let me focus on the first as it is a powerful first step in getting you to a mentally healthier place. The second clears up your overloaded emotions once you’re caught up in the emotional maelstrom.
Nothing in your life is so debilitating as being off center.
There is a very clear reason for it. Centered-ness is a state of mind that changes the energy of your entire body, how it is fed, animated, and your anxiety or stress level.
Centeredness means you view the world from your own point of view rather than how others are making your react.
Anytime you are feeling fear, guilt, shame, anger, jealousy, and other low energy emotions, your world view is from the outside in. Not that you can’t feel those things. It’s part of the human condition. You feel those things as part of a warning system to tell you what’s next to resolve that issue.
An example of being pulled off center. You are going on a trip and are in a hurry to pack, rather than doing it consciously so you know what you put in your suitcase. Then you are late to the airport and you think of things you didn’t pack, then you’re distracted the whole time to the airport on how you are going to manage your trip without them.
This is only a small thing, but like this small thing, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
When you have an argument with someone, how long do your thoughts linger on it. When someone cuts you off on the freeway, when someone breaks your favorite thing.
All those things can really pull you off your center. The way it looks energetically is that the thing that is you, your spirit, is pulled up out of your body. Your thoughts are elsewhere, so you go elsewhere.
There is an easy way to counteract this, it’s to bring yourself down into your body every morning. When you sleep, you slip up out of your body often. Your dreams can take you there, your worried thoughts as you fall asleep. By bringing yourself back to centeredness every morning or even several times a day, you can really help bring yourself into the current moment.
I did this long ago when I was in a bad place. I asked myself every time I felt panic, if I was okay right at that moment.
The panic thoughts that a lot of people have are “what ifs” that never come to pass.

I was having those, they were fears. Getting yourself into your body is the fastest way to get over the panic and allow your brain to function at its best level to find solutions.
Ready? Easiest way to do is to sit up straight, plant both feet flat on the floor (you can even take off your shoes), shoulders back, and now breathe in deeply, following a 6363 pattern. Breathe in to a count of 6, hold for 3 and out for 6, then hold for 3. Repeat..
A second really easy way to remember is to download a guided healing audio that does this centering for you. I have a free powerful healing audio at https://scientifichealer.com/emotional
Now comes a less simple step. you have to stand up for it. It’s called super brain yoga, a pranic technique that allows you to get centered into your body quickly. Look this up, basically, you cross your arms holding opposite earlobes, tongue at the roof of your mouth and do knee bends, either 7, 14 or 21 while you are breathing deeply.
Remember to do one of the three centering methods whenever you feel that panic, get rushed, get thrown off by someone or something else.
Grounding yourself is a different energetic process
It helps you remove the excess energy caused by one of these emotionally charged issues. Sometimes you feel thrown off and need to get yourself back onto Earth so you can think straight.
Grounding is very similar to that electrical thing that you do by connecting to Earth and letting your excess charge drop into the Earth where it can be used, recycled, and removed from doing harm from you.
This is now that you’ve collected the nervous energy, your whole nervous system is on fire, you’re upset, and ready to rip something apart, whether it’s someone else or your insides. Not being able to dissipate that excess energy quickly, it goes somewhere.
I used to swallow all my anger for example. It wreaked havoc on my insides, I had a huge number of issues that I could point to “nerves”. People would tell me to relax, and I didn’t know what that meant. “I am relaxed”. I wasn’t.
If more than one person has told you you need to relax,

not the ones that want to get away with something, but the people that care about you. It’s time to realize you come across as tense.
A simple way too get grounded, you could take your shoes off, step outside and imagine your nervous system is like a big bucket of nervousness that drains slowly out of a spigot down your legs and into the Earth out of the bottom of your feet. This makes sense and it actually works. Nature is a good place to ground yourself, standing in a lake or ocean with your bare feet in the sand or shore, on grass, in the forest, anywhere natural,
This isn’t always possible. What if you are at work and your boss just said something you can’t shake. connect grounding cord to earth through the adrenal glands. Imagine all the excess energy, dark emotions, etc.
These two processes give you a powerful tool against everything that’s happening around you, to keep you out of the despair, anger, and dark thoughts that are plaguing us.
Again the healing audio I’ve already mentioned does this process for you in about 14 minutes, it’s fast and all you need to do is sit quietly to listen to it. It will guide you through the process.
Timeline for podcast:
0:51 What is centering
7:41 tip 1 to center
8:38 tip 2 to center
10:48 tip 3 to center
13:09 grounding
13:37 tip 1 to ground
15:13 tip 2 to ground
When you are ready to speak with me, schedule an appointment with me at https://scientifichealer.com/appointment or contact me at https://scientifichealer.com/contact
Wake UP Your Brain in 11 Minutes.
Do you wonder why you feel all fuzzy brained and unclear in the mornings? You may even wake up dizzy and tired. This brief healing audio does all the morning hygiene for you to help reach your most creative and energy self quickly.