Step 8: boost immunity - Dos and donโts to improve function of your thyroid, your metabolic engine
Jul 26, 2020One of the most important factors in how quickly your body responds to physical trauma, such as a simple bruise or scratch or invasion of a pathogen, is your thyroid, your metabolic engine. Read the dos and don’ts for maintaining your healthy thyroid.
One of the most important factors in how quickly your body responds to physical trauma, such as a simple bruise or scratch or invasion of a pathogen, is your thyroid. It is the metabolic engine of your body. It is therefore important to keep it in tip-top operating condition. This article and broadcast is on the dos and don’ts for improving your thyroid. https://scientifichealer.com/wakeupbrain to get your free audio.
The reason why this information is so important is that thyroid replacement hormone is the most prescribed pill in this country with 115 million prescriptions. Many subclinical thyroid dysfunction cases have gone undiagnosed. This means that even though the thyroid levels are within the “normal” range, the symptoms show a deficiency, which is common.
Thyroid dysfunction is difficult to diagnose correctly
Thyroid issues are hard to diagnose without the proper tests because it is a great pretender. It behaves like other problems, like depression, adrenal insufficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, high cholesterol problems, high blood pressure, etc.
The other problem is that the testing is usually restricted to the levels of TSH or thyroid-stimulating hormone. Your pituitary sends TSH to your thyroid telling it your bloodstream needs more thyroid hormone. This process elevates the concentration of it in your bloodstream. So, if your TSH gets high, your thyroid is not doing its job.
The problem is over 20 years ago, the standards changed but yet many labs did not change their “normal” standards. With the new standards, if your TSH is above 2 mcg/dl, then it is likely there is some functional issue with your thyroid. The old levels showed 4.5 to 5.5 mcg/dl as acceptable. It is mostly not.
A better diagnosis is done with more detailed tests of T3, T4, and thyroid antibody levels. They should run mid-range of the normal values. If you are suffering from the following symptoms, it is time to get your thyroid checked. Especially if you are a woman and have had children. Pregnancy can affect your thyroid.
Hypothyroidism signs and symptoms may include:
- Fatigue
- weight gain, difficulty in losing
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Constipation
- Dry skin or orange tinge to the skin
- Weight gain
- Puffy face
- Hoarseness
- Muscle weakness
- Elevated blood cholesterol level
- Muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness
- Pain, stiffness, or swelling in your joints
- Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
- Thinning hair
- Slowed heart rate
- Depression
- Impaired memory
- Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- increased UTI's
- increased athletes foot
- high blood pressure, low blood pressure high cholesterol.
Hyperthyroidism symptoms may include:
- bulging eyes,
- rapid weight loss
- nervousness
- hyperventilation
- heart palpitations
First, before you do anything, check your current medications for interference.
The Dos for Your Healthy Thyroid Check thyroid
- Check thyroid regularly
It is important to check thyroid levels regularly. A doctor may completely depend upon the blood test for diagnosis and overlook thyroid dysfunction. This leaves many people undiagnosed. Therefore, it is important to have a frank discussion with your doctor and seek clarity.
One simple check can help you decide whether it is urgent to get a test: you will need a glass basal thermometer. You can check your temperature upon rising mornings for 10 minutes. If it consistently measures more than a degree below normal (98.6 F), you could be hypothyroid. I measured 96 F consistently, for example.
2. Drink a lot of water
Thyroid patients must always drink water without chlorine. Water also ensures the cleaning of the liver and kidneys of toxins.
3. Highly recommended nutrients.
- Iodine: Without iodine, your body simply cannot make these thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is unfortunately very common, though we can increase our intake of it by consuming iodine-rich foods such as seaweed, fortified dairy products and seafood. Fruits and vegetables grown in oceanic coastal areas have a richer iodine content than those grown inland. Higher incidences of goiter are found there due to lack of iodine.
- L-tyrosine helps your body make thyroid hormone. It is a precursor much like being a precursor to dopamine. Take 1 gm daily away from food https://amzn.to/3blBweh.
- Selenium: found in Brazil nuts, alfalfa, broccoli, butter, eggs, fish, garlic, onion, turnips and seafood. Selenium acts as a catalyst (the enzymes depend on Se) to aid in converting thyroid hormone T4 to the metabolically active T3. Selenium is also a potent antioxidant; protecting the gland from oxidative stress.
4. Cook your brassicas or other goitrogens, which are thought to interfere with thyroid function. These vegetables like kale, broccoli, and cauliflower are delicious and nutritionally dense. There are arguments back and forth as to whether they interfere with thyroid function. However, it is known that cooking these foods helps diminish the anti-thyroid effects of goitrogens.
5. Stay away from starvation or crash diets, which serve to shut down your thyroid. A better strategy is to consume 3 to 4 meals a day, with protein, complex and fibrous carbs, and whole foods like fruit. Choose a balanced diet, meaning containing a good balance of fats, protein, and carbohydrates rather than stringently restricting one or the other. Starvation mode shuts down your thyroid and slows your metabolism to crawl. This is when you become susceptible to colds and infections, meaning your immune system is on holiday.
6. Be careful with SOY – which has been shown to have a connection with suppression of thyroid function. My symptom was I was hungrier after I ate soy-containing foods and it caused my hair to fall out. Shown to block iodine absorption. Not everyone has this issue, test it out for yourself.
7. Stop eating gluten – Intolerances and allergies to gluten (meaning all grains, not just wheat, rye, and barley) are on the rise. There is a lot of evidence to show that autoimmune thyroid disorders are linked with gluten intolerance. It is said that the protein portion of gluten is molecularly similar to that of the thyroid and when our body absorbs it into the bloodstream our immune system signals for it to be destroyed. The body then mistakes the thyroid for this tagged protein and then attacks the thyroid.
Complete elimination of gluten from your diet is important if you have an autoimmune thyroid disorder such as Hashimotos or Graves’ disease.
8. Consume more anti-oxidants. Fortunately, foods like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and colorful vegetables are delicious. Anti-oxidants are well known to help lower the signs of aging and fight degenerative disease but they’re also fantastic for your thyroid, especially if you have an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Look for things high on the ORAC scale, like cacao, one of the highest. blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, pecans, artichokes, spinach, kale and beets,
9. Other beneficial supplements include CoQ10, vitamin C, Vitamin B, and Vitamin D. Some supplements such as calcium, iron, multivitamins containing iron, and antacids containing magnesium or aluminum can potentially have interactions with thyroid medications. Take these if needed in the evening away from your thyroid dose if you are on replacement therapy.
10. Exercise such as walking, yoga or resistance exercises can improve your metabolic function.
The Don’ts for Avoiding Thyroid Dysfunction
- Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol – Alcohol is a depressant and suppresses the thyroid gland functions. Tobacco or smoking blocks the iodide ratio and synthesis of hormones.
- Don’t restrict one macronutrient over others.– Fats, protein, and carbohydrates are the big macronutrients. They play a significant role in thyroid regulation in the body. However, following a low-carb diet can adversely affect the thyroid because of the lack of energy provided to the body. Equally bad are non-fat or trans-fat eating patterns for those with thyroid issues. Essential fats are needed for several functions in the body and trans-fats are damaging.
- Avoid sugar and caffeine – Caffeine tends to stress the body and so does sugar. Consuming caffeine is smaller quantities is acceptable for some as it helps them reduce inflammation as it helps open up the blood vessels. Choose cacao instead of coffee or tea because of the high antioxidant content. Consuming more than the recommended amount of caffeine can alter the TSH levels produced by the pituitary glands.
- Do not self-medicate – Often thyroid patients in their struggle to feel better turn to the internet for help. The internet is filled with personal anecdotes and conflicting information on which medicines to use. You should get familiar with the symptoms and conditions that are thyroid-related but talk with a licensed doctor familiar with thyroid issues and get a proper prescription before you decide on your treatment. A clue to that would be what tests they order to check your thyroid if you are complaining about energy levels and have many of the symptoms. If they only order a TSH, look elsewhere. Good doctors would be found among DO, naturopathic, or functional medicine doctors.
- Don’t eat right after you take thyroid hormone: According to the Mayo Clinic, supplements such as calcium, iron, multivitamins containing iron, and antacids containing magnesium or aluminum can potentially have interactions with thyroid medications.
- Avoid foods with high glycemic index: Restrict food with a high glycemic index such as corn, white bread, refined flour, muffins, and cakes. Such food items increase the glucose content in the body too rapidly, causing a cascade of insulin from the pancreas, which converts this glucose rapidly to fat.
The Diamond Healing Method: Get Healthy No Matter What Your Doctor Says https://amzn.to/2yS4nCB To request a brief portion of the thyroid chapter in this book, write to https://scientifichealer.com/contact. Get free healing audio at https://scientifichealer.com/wakeupbrain
Standout Quotes:
- "Your thyroid is your metabolic engine in your body, it drives everything."
- “I have performed 1000s of miracles on different people, they feel better, they got healthier, even though their doctor said there was no cure.”
- ”You can do miraculous things with lifestyle changes.”
- “It wasn't quite enough, I had to also do energy healing to do the repair work afterward.”
Key Takeaways:
- When your thyroid hormones are deficient, your metabolism slows. And how it affects you is that it slows down all immunological processes. For example, if you scratch your skin, the speed at which it heals; if you develop an infection, the rate at which your body can treat it. It simply slows down the process of healing.
- Many women in their 40s have had a pregnancy having a kid and then afterward appears to be a link between the hormonal shock that you experience having a child and how well your thyroid performs.
- The thyroid-stimulating hormone should be low. So it's between 0 and 0.5. Also, 1 nanogram/dl. A deciliter is a small volume of blood that contains micrograms. Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the blood are measured in micrograms per deciliter, not nanograms.
- Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is overstimulated, causing hyperactivity and weight loss. So concerns must be addressed, and sometimes leaving the thyroid alone and enrolling them in a meditation or mindfulness program might help them relax.
- Examine your existing medications to ensure they are not interfering with thyroid hormone activity in your body. T three is the primary metabolically active hormone.
- Check your thyroid regularly, which means once a year beyond the age of 45 or 50. Also, make sure you choose a doctor who is familiar with thyroid tests.
- Drink a lot of water. The more you detox, the better since it keeps the thyroid clear of any blockages.
- Iodine is required because it is an essential component of the thyroid hormone. It contains a variety of minerals, similar to sea salt. If you genuinely need some, eating kelp or any seaweed is a good source of iodine. It's also a good idea to include some L tyrosine in your diet.
- Tyrosine L is a dopamine precursor as well as a thyroid hormone precursor. And take tyrosine at least half an hour before eating anything. Because when you consume food with it, you diminish its effect.
- Brassica vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, are highly nutritious. These substances are known as goitrogens, and heating them reduces their potency. Goitrogens are substances that interfere with thyroid function in the body.
- The mineral Selenium catalyzes in the thyroid hormone sequence. Brazil nuts, alfalfa, broccoli, butter, eggs, fish, garlic, onions, turnips, and shellfish are few examples of the foods you can consume. As a result, it is the enzyme required for the conversion of T four to T three. And if you don't have enough of it, nothing happens. It also protects your body from oxidative stress because it is an antioxidant.
- Second, while soy is contentious, it is frequently studied and interferes with thyroid function. Soy and gluten are known to affect the thyroid. Gluten will induce what you would call an intolerance, but it will also activate the autoimmune effect on the thyroid. Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages. Sugar and caffeine should be avoided since both elevate your blood sugar and then rapidly decrease it will confuse your body and interfere with thyroid function. Eat at least three, if not four, evenly spaced meals per day. And those are regular meals; they have protein, vegetables, complex carbs, fibrous carbs if fibrous carbs are veggies with minimal sugar content. Complex carbohydrates or fruits are a mix of simple and complex carbs.
- Any activity that lasts 20 minutes or more can increase your metabolic rate. And that's quite beneficial because it keeps that engine running. It helps boost your overall immune system and your thyroid because it stimulates the thyroid into action and causes it to produce more thyroid hormones. As your metabolism increases, so does the number of thyroid hormones released.
Episode Timeline:
[00:54] Anastasia’s Thyroid Issue
[01:31] Most prescribed medication
[02:20] Prescription Obsessed Generation
[02:45] Thryroid tests are problematic
[02:48] Thyroid Test Discrepancies
[03:31] Symptom Mimicking Thyroid
[04:34] Significance of Lifestyle Changes
[05:48] Scale: Thyroid Exams
[06:40] Symptoms of Low Thyroid Hormones
[07:00] Common hypothyroid symptoms
[08:36] Anastasia’s Symptoms
[09:56] Medication Interference
[11:27] Essential Regular Thyroid Checkup
[13:24] Iodine
[14:04] Brassica Vegetables
[14:55] Selenium
[15:44] Soy and Gluten
[16:34] The Negative Effect of Slow Thyroid Function
[17:31] Avoid Smoking and Consuming Alcoholic Beverages.
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