Vitamin D Supplementation Can Help Lower Blood Pressure
May 01, 2012New study, just presented in London, shows that supplementing with vitamin D, especially in winter, can help reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Vitamin D deficiencies are at epidemic levels, particularly in Northern climates and can cause a variety of problems easily solved by supplementation. Deficiencies have been associated with certain types of cancer, depression, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and pains resembling arthritis or fibromyalgia.
Vitamin D is mainly produced in our skin from exposure to certain ultraviolet wavelengths. One of the highest food sources is cod liver oil, something most of us don't normally eat. In some northern climates, after a dark winter, up to 80% of the people are deficient in Vitamin D. Such deficiencies have been linked to high blood pressure but definitive proof was not available until this latest study.
A new study, presented at the European Society of Hypertension meeting in London, shows that vitamin D supplementation in winter can help lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Original post in Science Daily
In this study, 112 patients in Denmark (at 56 deg N lattitude) participated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Their Vitamin D levels were measured and given either a D supplement or placebo. 92 of the 112 had deficiencies in the beginning of the study. The supplements were given for a period of 20 weeks.
The results showed that that those taking the Vitamin D supplement showed a significant reduction in the central systolic blood pressure (that measured at the aorta near the heart). It was reduced by 6.8 mm HG, diastolic reduced by 1.7 mmHg. Those without deficiency did not show much improvement, but the sampling in this study was small. A much larger study is warranted.
What this means for us is that we should make sure we have sufficient vitamin D in any case, particularly if your family has a history of high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. A simple and routine blood test done at your checkup will let you know how your doing. A big of daily sunshine or supplementation will help: it's inexpensive and easy.
Clearly, vitamin D supplementation can help lower blood pressure, especially if you're deficient. But not only vitamin D, but also vitamin C as you saw in an earlier article. If you liked this article, please "like" it. To get weekly updates from this site, sign up at the right.
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