How to Protect Your Immune System from EMF Radiation: More Coronavirus Tips
Mar 30, 2020In these trying times, it is imperative to help you improve your immune system so you can survive the current pandemic even if you contract the coronavirus and do it well. Everywhere you turn around there are people hawking their formulas, devices, and supplements to have you survive. In this broadcast, we are not selling you on anything except valuable, scientifically-proven information that will help boost your immune system and keep you well as much as possible.
Again, Dr. Aaron Orpelli is joining me for this conversation. His expertise includes 25 years experience as an integrative medicine doctor with backgrounds in chiropractic, homeopathy, and environmental/allergy medicine. He has a practice on the Miracle Mile here in the Los Angeles area.
What is EMF radiation and How Does it Affect You
Today you'll hear about the radiation around you that can affect you, it can affect your immune system and damage your DNA. There's the signals that send out microwave radiation, including WiFi, G4 and G5, the signals from your TV and from your smart meters. By taking cost effective and prudent precautions, you can minimize the effects the radiation around you has on your body.
First, there seems to be a variety of reactions to the current pandemic, from panic to pretending like nothing is happening. Both ends of this spectrum are dangerous.
Let's dive into things you can do to protect yourself. Last time, Dr. Orpelli and I went through a list of helpful things to do from washing your hands properly, applying heat, and ultraviolet light, and ways to boost your immune system, including some great supplements that help.
Tips for Helping You Lower Your EMF Exposure
First, you can't eliminate all emf exposure if you live in a city. You can go to the mountains in some remote areas where there are no signals to get some relief if you need it. But the best thing to do is to cut down as much radiation as possible, like using wired headsets, wired internet (ethernet cables), and providing yourself with a calm sleep environment. You can wire your internet using ethernet adapters and routers such as these.
amazon links. Even if you still have wifi signals running through your home, the most exposure you'll get is right next to the device receiving and sending signals.
First, you can't eliminate all emf exposure if you live in a city. You can go to the mountains in some remote areas where there are no signals to get some relief if you need it. But the best thing to do is to cut down as much radiation as possible, like using wired headsets, wired internet (ethernet cables such as https://amzn.to/2Ut8vHd), and providing yourself with a calm sleep environment. You can wire your internet using ethernet adapters (https://amzn.to/33V5DWZ) and routers such as these https://amzn.to/2JsNohY. Even if you still have wifi signals running through your home, the most exposure you'll get is right next to the device receiving and sending signals.
In your bedroom, turn off all electrical devices, unplug or remove any TV, computers, or phones. Set your phone to airplane mode. Get a Faraday cage sheet such as https://amzn.to/33Y2J3E or https://amzn.to/2JqgDSH
Tips to boost your immune system
To boost your immune system: take vitamin C every few hours, make sure you supplment with Vitamin D3, a cofactor for your immune system, particularly if you live above the 35th parallel north or below the 35th parallel south. Make sure you get enough Vitamin A and eat healthy food, get good quality sleep, and again drink clean (but not alkali) water often.
To boost your immune system: take vitamin C every few hours, make sure you supplement with Vitamin D3, a cofactor for your immune system, particularly if you live above the 35th parallel north or below the 35th parallel south. Make sure you get enough Vitamin A and eat healthy food, get good quality sleep, and again drink clean (but not alkali) water often.
The latter provide positive programming for your DNA, which changes depending on your behaviors. Researchers are realizing how adaptable your DNA is and that very little is fixed. This is why you need to protect yourself from emfs, poor relationships, and poor health habits as much as possible.
Listen in to describe how to use heat to kill viruses after exposure just past min. 22.
Dr. Orpelli describes how homeopathy can be used harmlessly to help you build your immunity to the coronavirus after min. 30.
Last, Dr. Orpelli mentions a single green rock helps protect against 5G: this is found at https://nighthawkminerals.com Dr. Orpelli can be found at https://drorpelli.com or 310- 278-4567. Dr. Chopelas: https://scientifichealer.com or 310-692-4036.
Timeline of video:
2:38 Facts on G-5 and other radiations
7:45 characteristics of viruses and your immune system
8:45 protections from emf radiation
10:00 sleep tips for getting good quality rest
11:45 How to take vitamin C
12:30 vitamin D deficiency: cofactor for immune system
13:30 what to do when going out to minimize effects of exposure
15:00 How DNA is affected.
16:39 positive programming for your DNA and emf mitigation/ Faraday cage
18:48 Steps you can take to protect yourself
22:34 how to add heat. water
24:45 prudent low cost mitigation of emf signals
30:30 using homeopathy with the energy of the virus, how it helps
34:00 is infrared radiation dangerous?
39:45 5G single mineral helps with phone, green rock from Night Hawk Minerals.
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