2 fast ways improve your immune system, substituting unhealthy fats and sweeteners
Jul 09, 2020Today, you’ll read about finding immune boosting substitutes for supposedly healthy foods that are in fact not. They are in the realms of fats and sweeteners.
You may be wondering why I would talk about these things as an energy healer. First of all, I’m not just an energy healer, I’m a scientist. My field of study is in vibrations of matter. I know how vibrations of one thing will resonate with another and how all matter is composed of energy. I have studied, researched and published on this topic for over 40 years.
Eating the right thing and avoiding the wrong is all about energy. Since matter is made up of energy, things poisonous to humans contains “death energy” or vibrates at too low of a frequency and consequently, your body is working hard to compensate for that. That is your body detoxing. Avoiding pesticide laden food for example is avoiding something that kills life. This is death energy. Even washing it off, the death energy has been absorbed by the food. So, it’s more complex that you thought.
You’ve already heard three broadcasts about your unhealthy food, habits and environments. You have to remember that many of these effects are cumulative. They are each chipping away at your body, aging it before their time, and compromising your immune system.
It is acknowledged that the older you get, the less your body is able to fight things off. However there is no excuse for someone in their 40s, 50s or 60s to be old and compromised.
There is something out of synch in the United States: we spend more per capita on health care, almost double other modern countries yet It is 39th for longevity or lifespan. That is behind basically all modern countries and some third world. Is it that we are devil may care about our health or is it deeper than that? Is it a lack of knowledge or discipline? I hope it’s the former, not the latter.
There are unhealthy foods that are sold as healthy
Fortunately, the two foods that I’m going to focus on today have tastier and healthier alternatives. I’m going to talk about why each is unhealthy and what you can substitute.
Advertising and hype have sold us on how healthy these foods are for you because they supposedly solve a problem. Both of these types of foods are manmade, and they fall into the fats and sweetener categories. It’s scary how much misinformation is out there to sell to you.
1. Unhealthy fat substitutions
The first surprising thing you’ll read about is margarine. It was developed as a cheap alternative to butter and sold has a healthy food because it only contained vegetable oils and was devoid of saturated fats. They called this heart healthy. Saturated fats have been vilified for a long time, but it isn’t the saturation that’s the problem. It’s the composition of the fat, not just the chemical composition but the geometry of the fat.
These are known as trans fats. Did you know that trans fats are the exact same composition as healthy omega 3 fats, they are just arranged differently around their bonds. They are created when the healthy unsaturated fats are heated, raising their melting point so you can make bars out of what was liquid
Once the vegetable oils are heated and chemically broken down, the resulting “goo” is gray, flavorless, and smells odd. Salt, color and butter flavor is added to make it palatable. Newer margarines contain polyphenols to help reduce cholesterol and have a lower level of transfer content. However, a U.S. government panel of scientists determined that man-made trans fats are unsafe at any level.
After companies pushing this relatively cheap source of fat as the way to get butter flavor without the “problems” butter caused, it was discovered that, in actuality, margarines caused a worse buildup of plaque in arteries than butter ever did. It is a non-food stuff that disrupts liver function amongst other things and causes inflammation.
Hydrogenated oils and fats are also best to be avoided. It takes longer for them to go rancid so they are used in crackers, potato and corn chips, mac and cheese, and all other packaged foods containing fats for flavor. It’s one step away from eating plastic.
Rather opt for butter, healthy oils like olive, avocado, macadamia, almond and walnut oil. Keep refrigerated to preserve their quality. For salads and veggie flavorings, use lemon juice, herbs, and spices to add flavor, and get rid of all these added salts and fats.
A second manmade oil: Canola Oil
Has often been sold as healthy because of its’ high monounsaturated acid content but it is also heated to be extracted from GMO rapeseed (to reduce the poisonous erucic acid normally found in it.) You’ll have noticed that a lot of the healthy snack companies are moving to olive oil, avocado oil or macadamia nut oil. More expensive but naturally healthy and naturally containing high concentrates of monounsaturated oil.
You might ask why. Studies have found that up to 4.6% of canola oil has trans-fats in them. If you don’t believe me, open a bag of chips made with canola oil. Smell it. What does it smell like? Does it smell like fried chips or does it smell like used motor oil? Besides chips, you’ll find canola oil in crackers, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and a host of other foods made with fats. Read your labels.
Rather opt for butter and the healthy oils named above.
Comments about Butter:
Butter has been given a bad rap. Organic butter from grass fed cows actually is extremely healthy (in small amounts). The grass improves the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio, adds essential fatty vitamins like A, D, and E, essential minerals and fatty acids not found in other foods. Don’t be afraid of flavoring your food with butter. You can find organic ghee, which removes all the milk proteins if you have problems with normal grass-fed butter.
Healthy oils include olive, avocado, almond, macadamia nut, and walnut oils. They are more delicate and need to be refrigerated but are tastier and healthier alternatives to canola oil and margarine.
How to sweeten your food without poisoning yourself
Using artificial sweeteners solves reducing your sugar or caloric intake, whether you are watching your weight or controlling your blood sugar. They are used in a huge array of products, some in unexpected places, like toothpaste, mouthwash, cough drops, instant tea and coffee mixes, sugar free candies, cough drops, liquid medicines, children’s chewable vitamins, etc. Read your labels and look for aspartame, sucralose, neotame, acesulfame potassium, and saccharine.
You ask, what is so unhealthy about these? In small amounts they are deemed safe? It helps with sweet cravings, after all we humans are designed to look for sweet foods.
Studies have shown that these specific artificial sweeteners destroy your good bacteria in your gut very quickly. Why is this important, bacteria are bacteria, right?
In fact, there are healthy bacteria that are needed to modulate your immune system, promote a healthy brain, and controls appetite and weight. Normally this ratio is 85% healthy to 15% unhealthy or pathogen like e. coli or staph.
You have more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells in your body. You are a symbiotic being with good bacteria being your buddies. They help produce your neurotransmitters and vitamins like vitamin B in your gut, they protect your gut lining, and keep the pathogens under control. They also keep your cholesterol under control and regulate your blood sugar.
It doesn’t take much to cause an imbalance problem: eating one sugarless Ricola gave me a whole night of gassy output, meaning the small amount of aspartame was feeding the pathogens and killing the good bacteria. (As a note, foods containing glyphosate or roundup herbicide do the same things to you).
Recent studies show one diet soda can wipe out all the good bacteria in your gut and it takes days to recover.
But don’t worry! You don’t have to give up low calorie or low glycemic foods. Here are the sweeteners deemed safe to your all important bacteria: stevia (get the pure powder without fillers), inulin, xylitol and erythritol, if you can tolerate them. You can also add small amounts of lemon juice or fruit juice to things to sweeten them up. The sour flavor improves your perception of sweetness.
To improve your good gut bacteria, use safe toothpaste and mouthwash (Burt’s Bees: https://amzn.to/2AFK822, Hello Oral Care: https://amzn.to/38COIL2, https://amzn.to/3e8hd4l) , eat fibrous whole organic produce, eat prebiotic foods (artichoke, green bananas, asparagus, apples) or supplements like Hyperbiotics powder (https://amzn.to/2Z9iAvh) or Ora tablets (https://amzn.to/2ZOlZ1T), eat polyphenols, cacao powder, olive oil, green tea or roiboos tea https://amzn.to/2DerZt1.
Discover how to raise the life force energy of food:
Summary for today:
- Avoid fats that have been heated, including “healthy margarines” and genetically modified canola oil. Instead use olive, macadamia nut, avocado oil and organic butter (which has a healthier omega 3 to omega 6 ratio and no chemicals). These are essential to lowering cholesterol and improved heart health, both of which affect your immunity to the current virus.
- Avoid artificial sweeteners. Instead substitute stevia, inulin, monk fruit sweetener, erythritol, xylitol, which are plant derived. They are also shown to leave the healthy gut bacteria to thrive. This is a direct consequence to the immune system since it starts in the gut when you eat something. It also improves brain function and mood.
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